Welcome to the
River Rafting

The river rafting

Three peole on a raft in Fyris River

What is the river rafting?

The River Rafting is an annual event organized by the Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students. It is an appreciated and long-awaited tradition that has been going on since 1975, and which attracts thousands of visitors from all over Sweden. It all started as a bet between two friends, and today the event partly consists of a prelude in the form of a 8-day long festival and of course also the final river rafting down river Fyrisån during Valborg.


Duck day

Rafters info

Common Questions

The Journey to valborg

Raft registration
22/2 - 5/3

In February, this year's raft registration begins for the River Rafting 2024. Both members within UTN and non-members can apply to be part of the raffle and have the chance to win their own raft.


22/2 - 5/3

Do you want to help us during the River Rafting or during our festival?  Then you can apply to become a volunteer! The application period starts on February 22th and close on March 5th. There are many different volunteer positions you can apply for.


Did you not get a raft in the first raffle? Then you have a new chance febrary 29rd at the raft pub. The doors to uthgård open at 17.30 and the rafting commitee will serve food and drinks. New rafts will be drawn all night and there will be entertainment between the drawings.



Det första steget för att bli rännare är att boka in 24 mars i sin kalender. Då hålls den otroligt givande Rännarutbildningen. Såpass givande att den till och med är obligatorisk. Under rännarutbildningen kommer vi prata om allt ifrån hur man bygger sin flotte, till hur man tar sig ner för Fyrisån på ett säkert sätt.

Om man inte har möjlighet att delta 24 mars, måste man meddela detta till SÄK (sak@forsranningen.utn.se) senast 17 mars eller så snart som möjligt om frånvaron beror på sjukdomsfall.

8/4 + 9/4

As a volunteer you need to attend a mandatory volunteer education. It will be held in Swedish on 8th April and in English on 9th April. You yourself decide which one you want to attend.

19/4 - 27/4

The highlight of the year opens 19/4 and continues in full swing all the way to 27/4! The River Festival offers fun activities, raft building, parties, live performances and great food and drink!


This magical and fun-filled day is aimed primarily towards children and families with children. Lots of fun activities will be organized to spread joy to all visitors. The financial surplus on this day will also be donated to the Academic Hospital's children's fund in a way to help and spread joy to the children who cannot be part of the Duck Day.

19/4 - 27/4

The Construction Site at Forsfestivalen is the place where the running begins. In the organized chaos of the construction site, you can witness runners from all corners of Uppsala building their crazy creations. These will then carry the gutters down for the merciless water that rushes into everyone's spring Fyrisån. The construction site is right next to the Ångström laboratory and is open to everyone to visit during the Forsfestivalen days.


The day before Valborg, it is time to move all rafts to the starting area. Rafters must show up on the construction site at the specified time and help with the raft transportation!


On Valborg the 30 April it finally happens. BAM! The river rafting is the event which for all the rafts are built for and is, for those who do not know, when the rafts travel down the river Fyris. The rafts are set in to the river at 10:00 by Eddaspången and enters the goal after the Islandsfall.

Våra sponsorer

Upplands Schakt's Company Logo